INpower has been involved with the renewable energy market since 2008, preceding nomenclature such as: “Green Market”, “Clean-Technology”, and “Global Warming”.

Since 2019 INpower Global Services has supervised for their portfolio of Oil & Gas clients the risk-shift dominating the “Transitional Energy” market. INpower’s knowledge of clean tech is exciting because of these fortuitous and unique de-carbon concentrations.
Transitional Energy

Since 2015, INpower has been a “member” and an out-sourced risk manager at Greentown Labs in Boston & Houston. In December 2022 INpower became a Founding investor and “member” for London GreenCity – the largest post-startup clean tech accelerator in Britain.

Governments, regulatory bodies, and society are exerting increasing pressure on Oil & Gas companies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to climate change mitigation. As such, with compliance they will be better positioned to comply with regulations and avoid potential financial penalties while also gaining subsidies and incentives for investing in clean technologies. Investors are increasingly prioritizing environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria when making decisions. Traditional oil and gas companies face growing pressure from shareholders to reduce carbon emissions and demonstrate their long-term sustainability. Moving into “transitional energy” can boost their ESG ratings, helping them attract sustainable investors and improve their market perception. Additional rewards for this shift:
  1. Transitional energy will improve their public image, demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and helping secure their “social license to operate” in a changing world.
  2. Mitigating Future clean-tech balance sheet risks (as the world moves away from fossil fuels) helps them mitigate these risks, allowing them to remain relevant and profitable in a decarbonizing world.
  3. Workforce Transition and Skill Utilization and achieving re-deploying their huge idle workforce with honed skills in areas like offshore wind, hydrogen production, and CCS, will ensure the long-term viability of their employee base while contributing to the global energy “Greater-Good” transition.
INpower’s exceptional risk position to serve the “Transitional Energy” market is the daily driving force behind our delivered risk management value, historical alignment with Greentown Labs, and our immediate investment in London GreenCity has delivered serious clarity to us on how to manage clean-tech risk.
energy insurance example
INpower tailored insurance solutions, negotiated with London and United States selective clean energy underwriters, safeguards balance sheets from potential losses due to unforeseen clean-technology events. INpower’s focus on “Transitional Energy” risk management has delivered the following benefits for our clients:
  • Strategic Positioning in Leading Clean Tech Ecosystems: Greentown Labs in the U.S., while London GreenCity represents the most significant post-startup clean tech hub in the UK, allowing us to stay at the forefront of clean tech advancements and emerging risks.
  • Broad Risk access optics to a Growing global “Transitional Energy Market” driven by Clean Tech Innovators.
  • Embedding our risk developers for clarity of risk in Greentown Labs and London GreenCity provides appropriate risk identity, and premium pricing
  • Obtained direct access to the daily expanding group of clean tech startups and scale-ups. This alignment helps INpower engage early with these clients, offering tailored risk management solutions as these companies grow, thereby fostering long-term relationships.
IN SUM: INpower contributes to the long-term sustainability and success of the entire “Transitional Energy” sector by investing in two ring-side seats at: Greentown Labs – USA and London GreenCity – United Kingdom, ensuring these clean tech accelerators can continue their mission of tackling climate change without being derailed by financial or governmental setbacks. This collaboration and investment reflect INpower’s deep commitment to fostering the growth and stability of the clean energy sector on both sides of the Atlantic. INpower is based in Southern California with clean energy/clean technology insurance resources in Boston, Houston, and London.

Custom insurance services and risk solutions that set a higher standard